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Active Tri-Valley Barbershop Chorus Quartets


There are currently 2 active quartets within the ranks of the Tri-Valley Chorus.  Since the BHS's roots and mission are to encourage barbershop quartet singing, it follows that choruses are great quartet-producing engines.



The All Nighters have been singing together in their current form for about 5 years.  In addition to being available for special events throughout the year, The All Nighters can be found serenading sweethearts all over the southeastern corner of South Dakota every Valentines Day.  Check out our Facebook page for more information, or contact any of the members of The All Nighters directly to request more information:


Bro Squared is a quartet comprised of 2 sets of brothers who create an amazing blend other quartets strive to replicate but few seem to achieve.  Bro Squared's lineup is nearly the same as The All Nighter's lineup, the only difference being the Lead part is handled by Dale Knutson instead of Kyle Boese.  Bro Squared is available for any occasion by contacting any of the members below:




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